When you know, you know...

Before we land into some people's arms, our minds had ideas that those love were like either playing with fire or lying on snowflakes.

But with you, it's an eternal field of sunshine and storms. You see right through me that the ghosts I buried in history couldn't match. 

Real love knows no history and knows no fear. Our love surpasses them all. Everyday, I thought I was a wasted potential, but when it's not with you, it's empty. Now, my soul is all yours though my mind wanders in blind spots. 

Our love is the bearer of hope and workouts with no secrets.

Your love puts pillows on my shoulders making me think that the pasts are all parts of our strings. I love to see myself through your eyes because sometimes they love me more than mine.

All of my enemies and buried shame are now put in the vase and displayed beautifully. You make it handful and your hands treat it with fragility. 

The clutches, heat, and resilience under the sun suddenly extends my hand for you to put a ring on it. I am ready for you, love.

You, our storms, our rainbows, our kitchen chitchats, waking up everyday with you, our little yous, I am ready. 


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